Huh I am sick now! It feels sooooo oh not good. Yap, gue sakit AMANDEL! Dan itu ngaruh jg ke badan gue, jadinya gue panas tinggi, ga bisa makan dan minum -_- ngomong aja sakit, gimana makan minum coba?! What the! Trs jg badan gue jadi nyeri2 gitu, ngilu trs pencernaan gua kurang bagus, ga nafsu makan, batuk pilek, pusing. Lengkap yeah? Tambah satu penyakit lg dapet piring cantik--krik!
Yaaa gua jg ga tau kenapa bisa begini, tiba2 kemaren gue sakit tenggorokan gitu, sakit bangeeeeeeet! Trs gua ga bisa tidur, tiap jam bangun melulu and finally, gue kurang tidur. Mata gue sipit abis pas bangun tadi pagi, bengkak banget ckck. Karena merasa saya akan baik2 saja, maka saya pun bersekolah. Ketika disekolah, saya merasa tidak kuat dan panas tinggi menyengat(?) badan saya. Gue akhirnya pulang pas abis istirahat sekitar jam 10an. Sesampainya dirumah, saya langsung tidur tanpa banyak babibu! Jangankan cuci muka, ganti baju aje kagak! Huh saking pusingnya. Trs gue bangun jam 12an buat makan dan minum obat, smsan sebentar trs tidur lg hahaha. Gue bangun jam stgh 4an langsung tlp Andrie! But, do you know?! Dia cuek gitu bgt sm gue and then he said that he want to play skateboard at school this afternoon.............-_-
Ohh gue langsung menutup tlp dan gue bt. Yaudah gue makan lg trs minum obat, pas itu panas gue udah turun, udah mendingan. Tp, pas gue keluar kamar, gue langsung panas tinggi lg haduhh gue sakit apaan deh? Takut dbd!!!!!
Sampe akhirnya gue dibawa ke dokter deket rumah gue, dokternya steril&&ganteng&&baik&&ramah (Y) hahaha! Dan gue diperiksa sm dia, katanya gue kena penyakit apa gitu gua lupa namanya, tp yg pasti amandel. Katanya amandel gue udah gede banget--bengkak-- trs ada bakteri gitu yg pengen merusak dinding2 tenggorokan gue, oh gooood! Untungnya ga nyampe diambil amandel gue, gue ga mau! Ternyata sakit gue itu memengaruhi kondisi badan gue. Gue dikasih 5 obat coba? Geela looooo haha. Hmm abis ngambil obat gue pulang kerumah. Sampai saat ini, Andrie ga ngabarin gue dari jam stgh 4 itu! Yayaya I know lah dia lg ASYIK MAEN SKATE, yegak??? Haha apa lg papan skate nya itu dari mantannya CKCKCK!
Yaudahlah mau diapain lg ya?! Mau marah ga bisa. Cm bisa memendam aja deh. Biarin aja! Biar sadar sendiri! Huh padahal gue lg butuh banget perhatian dari dia!!!!!!
Kamis, 30 Juli 2009
Minggu, 26 Juli 2009
Happy Anniversary 4th months Dear
Hell-o blog-gie! Hey fellas! Hahaha. Todaaaaay hmm it's my anniversary with Andrie uwww :3 I love it! We're getting 4 months now yiha :D
I'm so in love with him. I'm so crazy cause his love. Ughhh everything in his body or his life or his love, anything!!! It's makes me interesting........always hahahahaha.
I don't know, it's nice to love him every seconds and every breath that I take. I'm proud to be his girl. And I think that I finally found someone that loves me too with a pure love and his smile on his face. Thanks god!!! Thanks god, you brought him to me.
I hope, I would never find another love sweetest than him. I hope too, I would never find another lover more precious than him.
Is there any way that I could stay for every seconds in his hug??? Is there??? I hope sooo.
You know how to appreciate me baby. Nobody gonna love me better than you. Just stay here, stay near from me! Cause I will never let you go, boy. You are everything I need.
My only weakness is you, only reason just you! Every minute with you I feel like I can do anything hihihi.
Thanks for your love that you've given to me darls.
I LOVE ANDRIE HENDRIAN SO MUCH. 2639 will never end.
I'm so in love with him. I'm so crazy cause his love. Ughhh everything in his body or his life or his love, anything!!! It's makes me interesting........always hahahahaha.
I don't know, it's nice to love him every seconds and every breath that I take. I'm proud to be his girl. And I think that I finally found someone that loves me too with a pure love and his smile on his face. Thanks god!!! Thanks god, you brought him to me.
I hope, I would never find another love sweetest than him. I hope too, I would never find another lover more precious than him.
Is there any way that I could stay for every seconds in his hug??? Is there??? I hope sooo.
You know how to appreciate me baby. Nobody gonna love me better than you. Just stay here, stay near from me! Cause I will never let you go, boy. You are everything I need.
My only weakness is you, only reason just you! Every minute with you I feel like I can do anything hihihi.
Thanks for your love that you've given to me darls.
I LOVE ANDRIE HENDRIAN SO MUCH. 2639 will never end.
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